Industrial dehumidifier/Commercial dehumidifier

Csic (Temperature control dehumidifier)

Project name: China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation

Equipment supplier: Guangdong Aoyu Electric Co., LTD

Equipment brand: NAISIDA Dehumidifier

Product model: temperature control dehumidifier

China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. is a central enterprise managed by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. In July 2019, the 2019 Fortune Global 500 was released: ranked 243. On September 1, 2019, the 2019 Top 100 Leading Enterprises in China's strategic Emerging Industries list was released in Jinan, and China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. ranked 43rd. Ranked 19th on the list of China's Top 500 Manufacturing Enterprises in 2019. On November 26, 2019, China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited (CSSC) was officially inaugurated in Beijing.


Temperature control dehumidifier is widely used in Marine industry. Due to the particularity of the Marine industry, the control requirements for environmental humidity are very high, and the temperature control dehumidifier can meet the needs of the Marine industry for humidity and temperature control.

First of all, in the ship manufacturing process, the temperature control dehumidifier can provide a stable temperature and humidity environment to ensure the production and installation quality of Marine equipment. For example, in the production and installation of ship electrical equipment, it is necessary to maintain stable humidity and temperature to avoid moisture short-circuit or other problems of electrical equipment. The temperature control dehumidifier can effectively adjust the ambient humidity and provide a dry working environment for electrical equipment.

Secondly, the temperature control dehumidifier also plays an important role in the maintenance and maintenance of the ship. Ships are in underwater environment for a long time, and the hull is easy to be affected by moisture and corrosion. Temperature control dehumidifiers control the humidity inside the cabin, reducing the risk of hull corrosion, while also helping to maintain the normal operation of the ship's equipment.

In addition, in the storage management of the ship, the temperature control dehumidifier also plays a key role. There are a variety of items stored on board, some of which have higher humidity and temperature requirements. The temperature control dehumidifier can adjust the ambient humidity and temperature according to the needs of different items to ensure the drying and safety of items.

In summary, the temperature control dehumidifier has a wide range of applications in the Marine industry, which can provide a stable temperature and humidity environment, ensure the production and installation quality of Marine equipment, and also provide important support for the maintenance, maintenance and warehousing management of ships.


China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation uses NAISIDAr temperature control dehumidifier probably because the dehumidifier has excellent performance and wide applicability. Nestar temperature control dehumidifiers provide a stable temperature and humidity environment to meet the needs of the Marine industry for humidity and temperature control. At the same time, the dehumidifier has the advantages of high efficiency, energy saving, environmental protection and safety, which is in line with the sustainable development concept of modern enterprises.

In addition, Nstar temperature control dehumidifier also has the advantages of simple operation and easy maintenance, which can meet the production needs of the Marine industry and improve production efficiency and product quality. At the same time, the reliability and stability of the dehumidifier has also been recognized by the user, which can ensure long-term continuous operation and provide a stable dehumidification environment.

In summary, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation chose to use NAISIDAr temperature control dehumidifier may be because the dehumidifier has excellent performance and wide applicability, can meet its production needs, improve production efficiency and product quality.
