Industrial manufacturing

Power dehumidification solution

Release time:2024-06-11|Source:本站|Click volume:1

First, the impact of moisture on the power distribution room

The humidity inside the power distribution room has a great impact on the operation of the power equipment. The more humid the environment, the more susceptible the power equipment is to the moisture in the air. The moisture frosts on the power equipment, resulting in rust and short circuit of the power equipment. The best way is to use a dehumidifier to quickly and effectively remove moisture from the air and keep the environment dry.

The space humidity of the power distribution room/nuclear power plant is large, especially when it rains, or the rainy season is more severe. It will cause the metal facilities in the distribution room to be damp and rusty, the switching equipment to be short-circuited, and the sudden tripping is a manifestation of the power equipment to be damp, and even cause damage to the power facilities in serious cases. What is more serious is that the downstream application of power industries suffer serious economic losses of power outage and production, which must be treated with caution.

Second, dehumidification solution

The switchgear in the power distribution room/nuclear power plant has temperature and humidity requirements, and the humidity is the best state of 50%±5, but its geographical location - generally in underground, suburban, mountainous and other places, the temperature and humidity environment is relatively bad. Therefore, the indoor ambient humidity of power facilities such as power distribution rooms/nuclear power plants requires special dehumidifier to control its humidity. Dehumidifier equipment selection needs to be selected according to its working conditions after professional calculation.

NAISIDA Industrial dehumidifier is a series of dehumidification equipment specially designed for various distribution rooms and power facilities industry, there are conventional type, hand push type, lifting type, pipe type, wall mounted and other types, according to different use environment. It can prevent the metal facilities in the distribution room from being damp and rusty, short-circuit caused by the switching equipment, and often sudden tripping is a manifestation of the wet distribution room, and even cause damage to the facilities in the distribution room.

With leading technology, exquisite workmanship, excellent quality and reasonable price of dehumidification products, NAISIDA provides customers with efficient, accurate and low-cost humidity control products and solutions, escorting production safety and contributing to power safety.

The dehumidification of power distribution room is different because of the use environment. The area of the distribution room, the ambient temperature, the ventilation of the environment and other special circumstances, there will be differences in the selection, generally according to the dehumidification amount per 1KG applied to 60-120 cubic meters of space configuration and use, basically can meet the humidity requirements of about 60%, if the working condition of the distribution room is more complex, it must be strictly measured to achieve the best effect. You can communicate with our technical consultant through the national service hotline: 400 087 8799.

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