Industrial manufacturing

Dehumidification solutions for the glass industry

Release time:2024-06-11|Source:本站|Click volume:2

During the glass bonding process, the indoor air must be dry. According to the characteristics of low humidity in laminated glass composite chamber, a low humidity air treatment scheme suitable for low humidity environment is proposed. In the production process of the glass industry, humidity is crucial to the production technology, and the production efficiency and quality of glass are related to humidity, especially in the glass industry, the technical requirements are extremely high. During the glass clamping process, it is necessary to ensure that the indoor air is dry. When the air humidity in the synthetic room is too large, the fine water molecules in the air will adhere to the surface of the film or glass, and after high temperature and high pressure treatment, the fine water molecules will expand, forming white fog or bubbles in the middle of the glass, and in serious cases, the glass will be degummed.

If the water content in the film storage room is large, the film will absorb water, age and become brittle, which will affect the adhesion and adhesion of the film, reduce the strength of the film glass, and lose the importance of the safety glass itself. Therefore, it is important to strictly control the temperature, humidity and cleanliness of the laminated glass in the production of laminated glass, the general process requirements for the environment are temperature t=22-26 ° C, relative humidity RH=30-40%RH, the humidity requirements can be achieved by using industrial dehumidifiers. Especially in the imported glass laminated chamber process requirements are: temperature t= 20-26 ℃, relative humidity φ≤30%, this occasion only the use of combined rotary dehumidifier can achieve such process requirements.

In the production process of glass lamination, to go through many many processes, among which the more critical is the lamination process, the quality of the lamination directly determines the quality of laminated glass; This process must be carried out in the film chamber with constant temperature and humidity and high cleanliness; Laminated glass composite quality has three major requirements (1) optical (2) mechanical (3) environment. In particular, the mechanics, that is, the bonding strength, and the strength depends on the water content of the film, generally speaking, PVB film in the production, production, transportation, storage of the water content of less than 2%; If there is no constant temperature and humidity and cleanliness standard environment in the process of combining the film room, it will make the film hygroscopic and increase its water content, which will hinder the bond between the glass and PVB. During production and use, due to the change of temperature, the water vapor expands and contracts, resulting in bubbles, degumming or mist moisture, affecting the optics and making the product scrapped.

The combination should be carried out in the combination room that meets the process requirements: 1. The cleanliness must be high, and the cleanliness should be purified to 100,000 level; 2 The staff should have clothing and tools suitable for purification conditions; 3. The combined sheet is 25 soil at room temperature and 2℃ relative humidity is about 25%; 4. The upper and lower layers of glass should be aligned between the layers, and the overlap should not exceed 1.5 mm or so; 5. The PVB film and the glass interlayer should be kept clean. In the laminated room that meets the process requirements, after the glass is laid flat, the PVB intermediate film is laid flat on the glass, and another piece of glass is placed. Trim and cut the PVB intermediate membrane with a knife. When trimming, do not pull the PVB intermediate film hard to avoid the deformation of the PVB intermediate film, and ensure that the margin of the PVB intermediate film outside the glass is in the range of 2-5MM. When trimming the edge, the blade should not be in contact with the glass, so as not to cause the glass particles to produce bubbles at the back of the processing.

NAISIDA, a brand of Guangdong Aoyu Electrical Appliance Co., LTD., mainly develops and sells "household dehumidifier, commercial dehumidifier, industrial dehumidifier, fresh air purification dehumidifier, cooling dehumidifier, temperature control dehumidifier, constant temperature and humidity machine, rotary dehumidifier, ultrasonic humidifier, wet film humidifier and non-standard product development".

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