Dehumidifying product

Dehumidifier started but not dehumidified (no water)

Release time:2024-08-09|Source:本站|Click volume:2

Maintenance method:

1, the use of low ambient temperature in the air water evaporation effect is slow. This is a normal phenomenon.

2, the compressor does not start:

2.1 Check whether the relay output terminal of compressor 1 or compressor 2 on the main control board has 220V output. If no, replace the main control board.

2.2 Caused by poor contact of AC contactor.

2.3 Compressor cable terminals are loose.

2.4 The compressor is faulty.

2.5 The Main Control Board is Faulty.

3, caused by refrigerant leakage, should be returned to the factory for testing, maintenance, leakage repair and refrigerant treatment.

4, power off and restart the humidity set to the lowest humidity test boot.


next:How to maintain dehumidifier?

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