Moisture-proof knowledge

The role of dehumidifier for the pond

Release time:2024-07-16|Source:本站|Click volume:2

Under the trend of increasing market consumption, the requirements for quality of life are getting higher and higher, the requirements for the quality of swimming pool water are getting higher and higher, and the requirements for air quality are also getting higher and higher! Why use a special dehumidifier in a swimming pool? The continuous evaporation of indoor swimming pools leads to excessive indoor humidity, metal structures are prone to rust and corrosion, the spread of bacteria deteriorates air quality, and the condensation of steam destroys building materials.


Another invisible damage is the air quality of indoor swimming pools, if the humidity is below 40%-60%, then reduce the air quality, viruses and harmful bacteria will increase significantly, and cause serious pollution.

Strategies that affect swimmers

Respiratory system and other systems. Indoor air and humidity are the weaknesses of the swimming pool industry. The health of swimmers is not guaranteed because the highly corrosive environment greatly reduces the life of the pool, so the pool needs precise control of air temperature, humidity, water temperature, ventilation and water quality. The pool dehumidifier solves these problems well!

The steam in the air is recovered by the Neida Pool's special dehumidifier, which, on the one hand, recycles the water from the hot tub and, on the other, regenerates the air by lowering the water temperature to the point of drainage.

Reasons to recommend a pool dehumidifier:

Under the trend of increasing market consumption, the requirements for quality of life are getting higher and higher, the requirements for the quality of swimming pool water are getting higher and higher, and the requirements for air quality are also getting higher and higher! Why use a special dehumidifier in a swimming pool? The continuous evaporation of indoor swimming pools leads to excessive indoor humidity, metal structures are prone to rust and corrosion, the spread of bacteria deteriorates air quality, and the condensation of steam destroys building materials.

Another invisible damage is the air quality of indoor swimming pools, if the humidity is below 40%-60%, then reduce the air quality, viruses and harmful bacteria will increase significantly, and cause serious pollution.

Strategies that affect swimmers

Respiratory system and other systems. Indoor air and humidity are the weaknesses of the swimming pool industry. The health of swimmers is not guaranteed because the highly corrosive environment greatly reduces the life of the pool, so the pool needs precise control of air temperature, humidity, water temperature, ventilation and water quality. The pool dehumidifier solves these problems well!

The steam in the air is recovered by the Neida Pool's special dehumidifier, which, on the one hand, recycles the water from the hot tub and, on the other, regenerates the air by lowering the water temperature to the point of drainage.

It is recommended to reduce the humidity of the swimming pool.

Neda swimming pool dedicated dehumidifier to meet the requirements of comfort and humidity control.

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