Moisture-proof knowledge

The importance of moisture protection.

Release time:2024-07-16|Source:本站|Click volume:3

How does a rainy season manage to control the moisture of the drug library: no one likes to take it, but you can't throw it away after everyone who takes a pill will get sick, which is not resistant, only pills that will restore their health. At the pharmacy, after they had the fever, but they weren't finished, so they left them behind. At home, but the next time you're sick, you'll find that you can't treat your disease.


Storing drugs is a very strict condition. Some drugs don't get direct sunlight and need to be stored indoors. Some drugs need to be kept dry if not given humidity, however, when we usually store them we don't pay much attention we keep them in drawers well. The weird thing is that the medication stored is pretty small and weird that you can treat after using a drug that doesn't work.

Pharmaceutical and hospital storage is very important. Improper storage causes the drug to wear off, and when the drug wears off, it cannot be treated. Storing it requires temperature and humidity, especially for some medicines with moisture easily. Like the capsule and the drugs, when they're affected, they drop or get worse and they add side effects.

What are the conditions for drug storage? Store drugs based on the drug type. See, some drugs can be stored at regular temperatures, and some cannot be stored at temperatures higher than 20 degrees. Some drugs cannot be stored. At above 10 degrees, the warehouse is a storage unit. Storage temperature, warehouses, refrigerators and refrigerators have different requirements, but air humidity has the same need to be controlled within 45 % to 75 % of a drug storage. When the terms of storage are not met, the terms of drug degradation will increase, meaning that the drug will expire.


By reducing the temperature of the warehouse cold and cold, when the outside air enters the storage chamber, the goods will return damp again, especially during the rainy season. Due to the difference in internal and external temperatures, when the hot air meets cold temperatures, the steam in the air is tightly condensed as water and easy to control the moisture of the medication. Generally, a drug that needs to be maintained has a higher value. If sea level, economic losses will be huge, not to mention this treatment.

In order to ensure that the drug will not reduce the duration and efficiency, due to moisture production, in order to ensure that it is not a drug supplier, a drug store or hospital, has to work properly with humidity control. The humidifier produced by Naisida is an excellent tool to manage humidity, and has a fast dehumidifier technology that reduces moisture quickly and controls the humidity of the atmosphere. As long as the storage of a pharmaceutical warehouse, the relative humidity is controlled between 45 percent - 75 percent. It can be stored safely.

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