Moisture-proof knowledge

New Nicinida wine storage on-line wet temperature control for market

Release time:2024-07-16|Source:本站|Click volume:1

Wine storage cabinets Wet temperature control is a professional temperature control that is designed for wine storage. Why use a wet temperature control? Simple words of a wine storage - a suitable storage place for wine! Seems simple but not easy. To reach the corresponding standard, first need to have proper humidity, temperature. Second, a good weather guarantee. Avoid the wine damage and high demand for environmental cleaning. That's why a wine storage heater is powerful in a wine storage room.


The purpose of ventilation in the wine storage is to maintain good weather, in wine storage too evaporated and not smooth. The air will cause a congregation of flammable gas, which is very dangerous. Great weather and has to breathe indoor employees and make the wine storage dry.; In addition, a number of wine also has strong breath and an odd smell that can easily get into the bottle through a wine bottle closure, which can be absorbed into, especially to get attention and stop something that smells strong. Like miso detergent, tofu, stinky cheese, etc.

55 percent to 75 percent of the humidity for wine storage is too wet, the installation of cork and wine rots too easily and too dry. Precise control of moisture is a problem to observe between the wine cellar building.

Wine requires a very intense temperature. The wine pitcher at a normal temperature of 10-16 degrees Celsius up to 24 degrees. Otherwise, the famous wine style will be destroyed, but the security of the temperature changes arising from the temperature is not only anti-oxidation, resulting in a change in temperature by a change in temperature. As long as it can maintain a temperature at 5 to 20 degrees Celsius is accepted, the wine storage room is too cold to slow growth. So heat control is key to designing wine storage.


The Brand of Canton Australia is developed and sold "" home humidifiers commercial humidifiers industry humidifiers, humidifiers, humidifiers, humidifiers, humidifiers, humidifiers, and humidifiers.

Organizing, research and developing brands to meet the needs of customers to organize the environmental situation in their wine cellar. Training case cases have been successful in continuous work and developing face-to-face products for a more effective, technical experience. Delivery products finally meet the use of customers to accept and officially extend several similar models online for the market.

The wine storage Nasida temperature control humidifier


Wine storage NAsida Humidifier temperature:


Wine storage NAsida temperature control function:

1) The outside cunning can be widely controlled and functional.

Outdoor crew works reliably at low temperatures - 15 ° C.

24 hours to get the temperature inside the air conditioning machine constant.

2) High precision control performance stability.

I have been turned off the audio recorder with an international brand that is efficient and effective.

Increase efficiency to humidifier compressor Electric heater to reduce humidity fluctuations and high precision control.

3) Personal structure and daily maintenance is convenient.

Section: : : : Air separation: Can be done without debug, a spinning door structure that makes for safer and more convenient maintenance.

Easy to disassemble: Lid can be separated, easy to transport, filling structure makes opening doors and removing easier.

Special humidifier system that is efficient and economical.

4) The controls are powerful.

Large font information shows current humidity, real time watches and other information.

Submenu: Many status information of active crew can be prompted.

Electronic memory: all set parameters remain set before power falls.

5) The crew has several protective functions.

Section: : : : High pressure compressor low pressure overload and heat protection of exhaust pipes.

Sensors malfunction prevention.

High blower protection

Section: : : : Usage. Low voltage warning Irregular drainage alerts, high water levels, lifetime warnings.

Section: : : : Electric heat. Alarms go off, temperature and unusual communications.

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