Moisture-proof knowledge

Asia-pacific food delivery and display of cool chain technology devices review

Release time:2024-07-16|Source:本站|Click volume:2

Asia-pacific food delivery and display of cool chain technology devices review

Asia-pacific goods displays, cold chain delivery and technology under the sun set in August 2020, for three days with a humidity control over the device in the Naisida industry, attracting the eyes of many passengers, and now you see.

Asia-pacific live shipping and display of cool chain technology devices

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As China's consumption grew rapidly, with a growing awareness of healthy food, fresh goods consumption increased faster and live market demand. The signing of trade agreements between China and Japan and China in 2020 led to a growing growth in border and Internet chains businesses. Caters' businesses have been improving dramatically in recent years, and the live delivery industry has received strong attention from government and industry.

Our country's fresh electric business market has nearly U.S. trillion dollars and is also the next market for Chinese electrical traders. Food chain industry has also been mentioned at a key administrative term by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which clearly shows the operating standards for the consumption of agricultural products and the logistics. Dinner funds have been encouraged by industry policies. And in the future, market demand for cooling chains has been fresh for three to five years.

The display of frozen equipment and freezer items in stores over Guangzhou W boasts and the number of large traders will be updated from time to time, while also focused. At the fresh display of the logistics display and the refrigerator display and 4th area of the main theme, distribution system and facilities between China's 8th countries, such as CSF and China's third International retailers, and third Time no one sells. At 4 China and Over Guangzhou show 80,000 square meters, a professional platform dedicated to creating the Internet + intelligent chain solutions!

Welcome to Nelda.

Naisida as a professional humidity solution supplier and strives to bring dry life and production environment for customers this year will be released with more introduction. The Asia Pacific Shipping and exhibitions of 11.3 size food chain equipment for business and agriculture industries cover both the business and industry, leading the perfect dry experience for customers.




Visit the Counter NAISIDA, the audience with buyers in a real production situation has questions about the nasida product that represents NAISIDA, explaining production by one contractor for the personal temperature and humidity control program.

Industrial production has been increasingly tightening on equipment and environment. Many production sectors have a demand for reducing humidifiers per year, especially the pharmaceutical industry, electronic storage area, and if the humidity in the environment is too high, the impact on the benefits of businesses in this case will have better policies regarding the quality of dehumidifier.

Naisida industrial humidifier often has wet and safety control as the main heart of this feature. Also is recognized by major clients. Why can that be done?

Naisida will bring customer quality service and assemble a great marketing team, design high-quality products that are better suited to China, and are produced in the country's norms and standards, so business has been recognized by industry and users since its founding.


Every minute of the day, NAsida users share in order to change their environment. No matter what Angle you are in the world, no matter how bad the environment around you, NAsida sends fresh, dry air to you and sparks up your world.

Due to the production capacity and level of the industry, from production to living, humid environments seem to be increasingly important and the Nazis have been focusing on their temperature control technology for over a decade.

The future nais Nius will continue to optimize our customers' best environments committed to production and happy environments.

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