Industry dynamics

What are the advantages of a rotary dehumidifier in air conditioning, and why do almost all air conditioners need to install it

Release time:2024-06-14|Source:本站|Click volume:2

Air conditioning has become an essential item in People's Daily life. In the hot summer, people will turn on the air conditioner to reduce the indoor temperature, and in the cold winter, people will use the air conditioner to raise the indoor temperature. When the air conditioner is working, it often produces some moisture. If it is not removed in time, it will slowly rust the various parts of the entire air conditioner, making the various parts of the air conditioner damaged, leading to the shortening of the service life of the air conditioner. Therefore, people installed a rotary dehumidifier in the air conditioner to remove the water generated in the air conditioner in time. So, what are the advantages of this machine, there are so many moisture removal machines on the market, why choose to install the rotary dehumidifier in the air conditioning?

Rotary dehumidifier

1. Light weight

Most air conditioners on the market are still wall-mounted, that is, hung from the wall, this type of air conditioning has very strict requirements for weight, if the weight of the air conditioner is too high, it is easy to cause fall off. One of the advantages of the rotary dehumidifier is that the weight of the compressor is light because there is no other machine, and the installation in the air conditioner will not bring too much burden to the air conditioner, nor will the weight of the air conditioner be too heavy.

2. Almost no noise

More than a decade ago, people usually did not turn on the air conditioner at night, mainly because the air conditioner at that time would produce huge noise, which disturbed people's sleep. And now, because there is no compressor, the rotary dehumidifier operation will hardly produce any noise, if people turn on the silent mode of the air conditioner when they turn on the air conditioner, it can be said that almost no sound. In this way, even if the air conditioner is turned on in the quiet night, it will not affect people's sleep because of the noise.

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