Industry dynamics

What is a wet water problem that is often encountered with a thermostat?

Release time:2024-07-16|Source:本站|Click volume:1

Due to the constant water temperature throughout the year and its environment, it is quite comfortable to many people. However, there are many problems with using the thermostat in the pond as a wet water. First, the pond with a dehumidifier takes a lot of resources while the indoor temperature reduces moisture in the pool too much.


Indoor temperature must maintain the water temperature in the pond, i.e., to heat the water in the pond. When it is hot, it is very evaporated and causes much increased humidity in the pool. Indoor water is too much moisture, not only does it cause bad internal weather, but it also causes excessive humidity. Excessive humidity also causes corrosion of the pool equipment as indoor water, which reduces lifespan.

Because the water in the pond contains a lot of chlorine, and when the water evaporates, it evaporates along with air. Chlorine in the internal air, not only does it affect the human body, but can also erode the building and the interior equipment, the continuous evaporation of the water in the pond, not only leads to too much moisture, but also brings back more water. This means that many resources are lost in excessive humidity to control the temperature to reduce the humidity in the pool. Many vowels reduce the humidity in the pond by increasing ventilation. Even though it can reduce indoor humidity on a certain level, it still increased the amount of water usage.

For the problem with the temperature to reduce humidity in a pond, that the water at the park can be fixed well. According to the concept of energy and environment, the Papple hot water pump can not only recycle the heat of the water in the pond and restore the temperature to the air, but also reduce the temperature to the drainage point and rotate the steam to the pond to create a good pond environment.

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