New NeSTAR constant humidity machine line for the market

Release time:2024-07-31|Source:本站|Click volume:1

The advantages and disadvantages of the common operation mode of Nastar constant humidity machine: Industrial constant humidity machine, also known as dehumidification and humidification machine, because it can accurately control the air humidity, it is used by the majority of units and enterprises that need strict control, it can be used in various computer rooms, printing workshops, GMP clean workshops, military warehouses, archives, data rooms, electronic precision machining workshops and other commercial and industrial fields of air humidity control work above. Achieved good results.

At present, the dehumidification method of Naisda constant humidifier is to use freezing dehumidification technology, that is, the mode of compressor refrigeration dehumidification, and the dehumidification efficiency of other methods is too low, so it is not recognized, so what technology is used in humidification? It uses three methods popular in the market now, that is, wet film, ultrasonic, and electrode humidification, these three humidification methods have advantages and disadvantages, consumers can consult manufacturers when buying.

1, wet film humidification: this is the most mature humidification method for the use of constant humidity machine technology, like the wet film humidifier, the air through the wet film makes the air humidity rise to achieve the purpose of humidification, with smooth humidification, clean air, no white powder, will not affect the indoor temperature, more energy-saving advantages. The disadvantage is that the humidification speed is slow, if the humidification space is large, the humidification effect appears underground. The drinking with this humidification mode is generally suitable for the work of humidification and static removal in laboratories, dust-free workshops and SMT workshops.

2, ultrasonic humidification: ultrasonic humidification technology used on the constant humidity machine is relatively mature, it is fast humidification, with the effect of dust cooling, in the textile, printing and other industries with relatively high air humidity requirements to use it to control air humidity, the effect is very obvious. However, it will appear water fog, which has a certain impact on some production equipment, so it is not suitable for use in precision laboratories, archives and other places.

3, electrode humidification: This humidification method I can often see in daily life, because you use an electric kettle to boil water is an electrode heating method, its advantage is that the humidification speed is fast, but also can increase the indoor temperature, the price is relatively cheap. However, the disadvantages are also obvious, large power consumption, no energy saving, the need to pay attention to the water level at all times, and there must be a fixed water adding device, so it is rarely used now, unless it is professionally customized by the buyer.

Nestar constant humidity machine is a kind of wet film humidification technology of humidity control equipment, the selection of internationally recognized wet film, the film body has good water absorption, water attachment, water immersion performance and effective purification of particles in the air; At the same time, it has the characteristics of good ventilation, corrosion resistance and small wind resistance. The whole machine uses microcomputer control, with remote monitoring system, standard sensing accurate water leakage alarm control, the new design makes the equipment structure more reasonable, to achieve the miniaturization of multi-function equipment, large capacity of the built-in water tank makes the use of more convenient. It can be used in precision electronics workshop, high-precision laboratory, and archive room to control humidity with good results


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