Item drying

Tea drying solutions

Release time:2024-06-13|Source:本站|Click volume:1

First, the drying application of tea

China is a big country in the production, consumption and export of tea in the world, and there are many varieties of tea. According to the oxidation degree of tea polyphenols, the primary tea is divided into green tea, black tea, white tea and black tea. Drying is an important process in the processing of various tea products, in the process of tea, always inseparable from the role of heat, especially in the drying stage, not only to remove water, but also in the evaporation of water at the same time, there are complex thermochemical changes with the participation of water, to further promote the formation of tea color, aroma and taste.

1. The drying process of green tea is generally dried first, and then fried. Because the tea after rolling, the water content is still very high, if directly fried dry, it will soon form clumps in the pan of the frying machine, and the tea juice is easy to stick to the wall. Therefore, the tea is dried first to reduce the water content to meet the requirements of frying.

2. The drying of black tea is the process of fermenting good tea billets, baking at high temperature, rapidly evaporating water, and achieving quality dryness. Its purpose is threefold: to use high temperature to rapidly deactivate enzyme activity and stop fermentation; Evaporating water, reducing volume, fixing shape, maintaining dryness to prevent mildew; It emits most of the low-boiling grass odor, intensifies and retains the high-boiling aromatic substances, and obtains the unique sweet aroma of black tea.

3, white tea is a specialty of our country, mainly produced in Fujian province. White tea is made by drying and drying process without frying or kneading.

4, the drying of black tea has baking method and drying method to fix the quality and prevent deterioration.

Second, the advantages of Nysta drying dehumidifier drying solution

(1) Automatic control system, according to the process requirements of different products, choose the best drying temperature and humidity, completely solve the other drying methods of long drying time, high temperature, large energy consumption and many other problems, with unparalleled desk characteristics.

(2) The use of high efficiency centrifugal fan, with strong wind, uniform air supply, low noise characteristics, material drying uniform and fast.

(3) During the drying process, the material is not deformed, no cracking, no discoloration, no deterioration, no oxidation, dry thoroughly, good rehydration after drying, less loss of nutrients, long storage period, and more effectively protect the color, aroma, taste, type and effective composition of the dry material.

(4) The unit is integrated design, and the pipeline and power supply can be used on site; Easy to operate, after setting the parameters, you can achieve automatic control, high reliability.

(5) Less investment, quick effect, can be used to transform old kilns, garages, etc., and can be migrated, save land area, etc., simple and convenient.

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