Power communications

Communication room solution

Release time:2024-06-12|Source:本站|Click volume:2

First, the impact of moisture on the equipment room

The humidity inside the equipment room has a great impact on the communication equipment. The air humidity may cause corrosion of metal components and connector pipe components, and reduce the insulation of boards, connectors, and cabling. If the humidity is too high, dew may occur, causing moisture deterioration of components, deterioration of the contact performance of electrical contacts, and even corrosion. In severe cases, it also leads to short circuits in the power system and electronic components. Generally speaking, the relative humidity in the equipment room is kept in the range of 40%-60%. In order to maintain the humidity and ensure the normal operation of the communication equipment in the equipment room, the best way is to use a dehumidifier to quickly and effectively eliminate the moisture in the air and maintain the ambient indoor humidity.

Second, dehumidification solution

The temperature and humidity in the communication room are very high. The optimal humidity should be kept in the range of 40%-60%. If the humidity is too high, components will be affected and eventually short-circuit will be caused. When the humidity is too low, it will cause static interference in the mechanical friction part, damage the components, and affect the normal operation of the equipment. The ambient humidity in the communication room needs a special dehumidifier to control the humidity. Dehumidifier equipment selection needs to be selected according to its working conditions after professional calculation.

NAISIDA Industrial dehumidifier is a series of dehumidification equipment specially designed for various communication room and room equipment industry, there are conventional type, temperature control type, lifting type, pipe type, wall mounted and other types, according to different use environment. It can prevent the components in the equipment room from moisture corrosion, short circuit of the power system and electronic components, and the normal operation of the equipment in the equipment room is a manifestation of the wet situation, and even cause damage to the equipment in the equipment room.

With advanced technology, exquisite workmanship, excellent quality and reasonable price, NAISIDA provides customers with efficient, accurate and low-cost humidity control products and solutions to ensure the required humidity in the computer room, and contribute to the safety of the computer room of schools and government enterprises.

Communication room dehumidification because of the existence of different use environment; Room area, ambient temperature, ventilation of the environment and other special circumstances, there will be differences in the selection, generally in accordance with the dehumidification per 1KG applied to 60-120 cubic space configuration use, basically can meet the humidity requirements of about 60%, if the working conditions of the power distribution room is more complex, must be strictly measured to achieve the best effect, You can communicate with our technical consultant through the national service hotline: 400 087 8799.


next:Control cabinet dehumidification solution

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