Warehousing and logistics

Large storage solutions

Release time:2024-06-11|Source:本站|Click volume:1

First, the impact of moisture on production

Moisture has a great impact on the quality of production equipment and products, and brings a variety of losses to warehousing. But weak awareness, coupled with excessive control of management costs, and no action to address the impact of moisture, ultimately resulted in more serious losses.

With the rapid development of society and the progress of science and technology, people have higher and higher requirements for quality. Whether it is due to the improvement of customer requirements or the improvement of the factory's own quality requirements, the humidity control in the storage process is becoming more and more strict. High humidity is easy to produce the following problems, resulting in poor quality, rust damage and other phenomena, serious economic losses, must attract the manager's high attention.

Steel is not easy to rust when the relative humidity is less than 50%, and the shelves of large warehouses are built with steel, which is more susceptible to moisture, resulting in rust, aging and other problems.

Stored items such as food, medicine, leather, furniture, electronic products, chemical raw materials, five gold electrical appliances, printed products, tobacco and other environmental relative humidity is higher than 60, easy to absorb moisture resulting in corrosion, short circuit, deformation, mold and other phenomena, control the humidity, ensure the quality of goods, improve storage time, reduce the defective rate and loss, protect assets, avoid losses.

Second, dehumidification solution

NAISIDA Industrial dehumidifiers are a series of dehumidifiers specially designed for a variety of storage conditions, including conventional, hand-pushed, hoisted, pipe, wall mounted and other categories

Type, can be selected according to different use places. Widely used in pharmaceutical, food, electronics, leather, footwear, furniture, Musical Instruments, printed matter, chemical industry and many other industries, so that items in the storage process

Avoid heavy losses caused by damp and mildew.

With advanced technology, exquisite workmanship, excellent quality and reasonable price, NAISIDA provides customers with efficient, accurate and low-cost humidity control products and solutions.

Improve production efficiency, reduce defective rate, enhance competitive advantage for customers, create value.

Storage dehumidification due to the existence of temperature and humidity requirements are different; The moisture content of the product is different; Air conditioning fresh air volume, workshop ventilation and other special circumstances, there will be differences in the selection, a

Generally, according to the dehumidification amount per 1KG, it is used in the space configuration of 60-120 cubic meters, which can basically meet the humidity requirements of about 60%. If the working conditions of the workshop are more complex, it must be strictly measured

To achieve the best results, you can contact our technical consultant through the national service hotline: 400 087 8799.

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