Industrial manufacturing

Laboratory dehumidification solutions

Release time:2024-06-11|Source:本站|Click volume:3

There are many precision instruments in the laboratory, and the quality of these precision instruments indirectly affects the effect of the experiment. If the humidity of the air in the laboratory is too high, it may cause damage to these precision instruments, thus affecting the experimental effect. When it comes to Meiyu weather, many precision instruments and equipment will not work, what is the reason? It turns out that when it comes to Meiyu weather, the humidity is large, the air is relatively humid, and the accessories in the equipment will be affected, which will result in the equipment strike;

So, how to control the humidity in the laboratory? Dehumidifier plays an extremely important role in the humidity regulation of the laboratory, and its quality directly affects the difference in humidity control. According to the target humidity of different experimental environments, laboratories have different requirements for the performance and accuracy of laboratory dehumidifier equipment, but the overall requirements are harsh, which belongs to the process requirements. The selection of laboratory dehumidifier is the key - the selection of dehumidifier can not be simply matched with the indoor area, but should be selected according to the overall wet load of the site. Specifically, the dehumidifier type is selected after calculating the total wet load according to the comprehensive factors such as its area, height, indoor airtightness, moisture dissipation source, fresh air supply, etc., so as to ensure the humidity requirements in the laboratory and avoid unnecessary trouble.

NAISIDA, a brand of Guangdong Aoyu Electrical Appliance Co., LTD., mainly develops and sells "household dehumidifier, commercial dehumidifier, industrial dehumidifier, fresh air purification dehumidifier, cooling dehumidifier, temperature control dehumidifier, constant temperature and humidity machine, rotary dehumidifier, ultrasonic humidifier, wet film humidifier and non-standard product development".


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