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Healthcare dehumidification solutions

Release time:2024-06-11|Source:本站|Click volume:4

First, the impact of moisture on the medical environment

With the popularization of education and the popularization of people's quality of life, the consumption concept gradually tends to pursue high quality and beautiful and comfortable living space. Once sick, hope

Access to the best medical services and prefer to be treated in a safe, comfortable and elegant environment. The physical environment of a hospital is an important factor affecting the physical and mental comfort of patients. The nature of the environment determines the patient's heart

In the state, it is related to the treatment effect and the outcome of the disease. The temperature, humidity, quietness and ventilation of the ward are beyond the control of the patient and are different from the daily requirements. Therefore, appropriate

It is important to adjust the environment and maintain a tidy, comfortable, safe, quiet and healthy environment.


The humidity of the ward should be 50%~60%. Too high or too low humidity can cause discomfort to patients. When the humidity is too high, the evaporation effect is weak, which can inhibit sweating, and the patient feels wet, stuffy, and urine is drained

Increased output, increase kidney burden; The humidity is too low, the air is dry, the human body evaporates a lot of water, causing dry mouth, sore throat, dysphoria and other manifestations, especially for patients with respiratory diseases or tracheotomy

Not good.


Ventilation is an effective measure to reduce indoor air pollution. Generally, 30 minutes of ventilation can achieve the purpose of replacing the indoor air.


Any sound that is not pleasant, does not want to listen to, or is enough to cause people to be psychologically or physically unpleasant sound, called noise. Noise intensity at 50~60 decibels can produce considerable interference

Second, the impact of moisture on medical equipment

With the development of modern medicine, medical inspection and treatment are increasingly inseparable from large medical inspection equipment, which has high requirements for ambient temperature and humidity in normal operation. ring

The change of ambient temperature will make the working parameters of some components drift and affect the stability and reliability of the circuit. Excessive humidity will also affect the normal operation of components, and can also cause components in serious cases

Breakdown damage, resulting in equipment failure.

The normal operation of medical equipment is based on certain temperature and humidity conditions. If the ambient temperature and humidity conditions cannot meet the stability and safety of medical equipment, it will be affected or even caused

The failure endangers the safe operation of medical equipment.

High humidity is easy to cause mildew in optical system of optical equipment; It will also cause the formation of water condensation on the filter of biochemical equipment such as enzyme labeling equipment and automatic biochemical equipment, and even

Mold makes the filter ineffective, resulting in food self-suppository can not pass; At the same time, when the relative humidity is high, the water vapor forms a water film on the surface of the electronic components, which is easy to cause the formation of a pass between the electronic components


Third, dehumidification solutions

NAISIDA Industrial dehumidifiers are a series of dehumidifiers specially designed for large public places such as swimming pools and gymnasiums. They are conventional, hand-pushed, hoisted and piped

Various types, such as wall-mounted, can be selected according to different places of use. Widely used in swimming pools, stadiums, theaters, shopping malls, waiting rooms, waiting rooms and many other public places to avoid room

Heavy losses caused by moisture and mildew inside.

With advanced technology, exquisite workmanship, excellent quality and reasonable price, NAISIDA provides customers with efficient, accurate and low-cost humidity control products and solutions.

Control the indoor environment humidity, avoid loss and waste caused by excessive humidity, and avoid a large number of collective people gathering in public places to endanger people's health.

Dehumidification in public places is due to the different requirements of temperature and humidity; The ambient temperature and humidity are different in different regions. Different places and forms; Place ventilation, fresh air volume and other special circumstances, in the selection

There will be differences, generally according to the dehumidification per 1KG applied to 60-120 cubic meters of space configuration use, basically can meet the humidity requirements of about 60%, if the underground garage working conditions are more complex,

It must be rigorously measured to achieve the best results.

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